Machined from 6061 T6 Aluminum, In-house Cerakoted. The Billet Box is the first E-Vaporizer to incorporate massive battery power, a huge 5.5ml E-fluid tank, and all electronics internalized into a beautifully handcrafted mod. The end result is a dependable, sleek, solid, obscenely well-crafted USA-made vaporizer that needs very little attention to maintain.
Authentic and brand new from the USA, includes SMOK nord coil adapter and as a bonus a SMOK RPM Bridge. Billet Box RPM Bridge is a single piece stainless adapter that allows the entire family of RPM coils to easily swap in and out from the bottom hole of our A-Tank.
Billet Box Rev 4c
The Billet Box Rev 4c is the current Billet Box. There is not much that has changed since 2016 with the release of the Rev 4a and the difference between the Rev 4b and 4c is simply the change from anodizing to “in house” Cerakoting.
The Billet Box is the first mod to incorporate massive battery power, a huge 5.5ml tank, and all electronics internalized into one dead sexy little unit. The end result is a dependable, sleek , solid, obscenely well crafted USA made device that needs very little attention to maintain.
The Billet Box Rev 4c is a 60W Billet Box with a 5.5ml Boro Tank and comes with a Nord Coil Adapter and replacement O-Rings.
The Billet Box requires (not included) a single 18650 IMR Cell, Non-Protected, battery. A Nord coil or any other adapter, coil or RBA system for the Billet Box, and any 510 drip tip.
1 x R4 Billet Box with a DNA-60
1 x 5.5ml Boro Tank
1 x SMOK Nord Coil Adapter
1 x Replacement O-Rings
1 x SMOK RPM Bridge
Requires: (not included)
-One 18650 IMR Cell, Non-Protected.
-Nord coil OR any other adapter, coil or rba system for the Billet Box
-Any 510 drip tip